Loosen up a bit." Harry's face fell, making your heart ache. Why are you sorry, this is fuckin amazing! He bends down and kisses you long and hard. bts imagine when he kissed on your belly#bts imagination#bts reaction on yn#bts ff it's just for imagine fun please don't take it seriouslyplease guys suppor. As both of you pull away you both knew it was wrong. If any of you want a request just put it in the first page of comments. xx, Zayn: You sighed, tossing and turning, trying to get comfortable on your bed. You grin as he snakes his arms around your waist, pulling you lightly to get you closer to him. Like usual, he had kicked the covers off, leaving only a spot above his bum covered. What is the matter with you? You knew how he waited to feel the first kick. Niall had felt it too, his lips were on the spot, pressing gentle kisses to your skin. You take his hand into yours. An odd feeling settled in your belly, making you a little sad. . I said nothings wrong, get the fuck out, he yelled, making you flinch. He let you study his body, knowing how you loved to find his hidden dimples and smell the natural scent of his skin. His arms were your weakness, they gave you comfort and treated you well. He stared at you, eyes filling with tears, a small smile on his face. He turned around, flashing you a gentle smile, what reached all the way to his brown eyes. The door squeaked quietly when you tiptoed to the guest room next to you. There is a bed, a TV, two couches, and a mini bar. Hi! Morning, love,you answered, smiling at his cuteness, running your hands through his hair, making him snuggle his head deeper to your neck, leaving few kisses. It didnt bother you earlier! Louis yelled, zipping the zipper angrily, making your hormones go wild. He raised your shirt off your body and you were quick to pull his of too. You turn on the PlayStation, he starts looking around your room, and then he finds your guitar.-Hey, babe You play guitar? "So," he says, taking a bite of his mashed potatoes, "have any ideas for baby names?" You closed your eyes, hand resting on your belly, when you tried to answer to him without breaking down. Yer still a lil baby but yere still a true Horan and Im so proud of ye. He may even blow what are commonly called 'raspberry kisses' into your belly. You didnt, you smiled, placing a kiss to his pink lips. Shit, you whispered to yourself, knowing that you crossed the line when you snapped to him. You cant just talk to your pregnant wife like that, ass, you snapped, storming to the livingroom. Niall: He gets food for you whenever you ask. Harry smirks at you." Dec 13, 2017 - This Pin was discovered by MARIAM STYLES . You are the only source of happiness in my life and I love you for that. He was the only one that knew about your fear of lightening. babe, love, baby. What? he asked green eyes confused, when his hand flew to his curls. With the blankets pulled all the way up and Harry inches away, the cold winter night is now bearable. I already know it." TV was on, some cartoons coming at the early hours of evening. He sealed a kiss over your parted lips, pulling your body on top of his. Ni, you whispered, sitting next to him, stroking his hair. one direction imagines he kisses your belly. He was still in his day clothes, skinny jeans making it almost impossible to move. Men must shave while wearing a nice outfit. A baby! Knowing you were alone, you kissed him back. Notes: (See the end of the work for notes .) Harry smiled, tugging your hair behind your ear before taking his clothes off slowly, revealing his tattoos, dropping the clothes to pile next to the bed, before taking you to his bare, warm embrace, filling you with his love and warmth. Mornin his groggy morning voice whispered to your neck, when he pulled you closer to him, resting his forehead against your shoulder. You feel your cheeks explode into flames as the claps transform into awe's. He was so beautiful. You have always had a crush on Liam, but no one but Niall knows about it. One Direction: Preferences, Imagines, Etc. He lied on his stomach, other hand under the pillow, other over your bare stomach. Im hungry, you whimpered against his skin, blowing cool air to his nipples, making him smirk again. Your feet hit the cold floor when you ran to the living room where he was sitting on a couch, watching TV, hands crossed on his chest. This company will never again asks someone as young as me to fill this position." "Will you guys please get a damn room?" You waved at him and he waved back blowing a kiss to you. A few minutes later Luke came back, carrying a variety of delivery menus and a warm towel. Niall was on the couch, doing something on his IPhone. Zayn frowned, hugging you tightly, when you wiggled off his touch, leaving him to pout his pink, sweet lips, eyes still closed, covering the brown stars you loved. But you were. He knew, I knew it. one direction imagines he kisses your belly, write five things you do with your grandparents, how to set up bounce back email in outlook, knowledge management system for marketing, latest earthquake near rome, metropolitan city of rome. your mom scolded, "And get your lazy ass in the kitchen and help me peel the potatoes!". See, she loves you, you smiled, biting your lip, seeing how excited his smile grew. There are times where a guy may give you repeated kisses on your stomach. His brown eyes locked on yours when he reached one last kiss on your waiting lips. With baby you would have twice as much work as you did now, and you just wouldnt have time and strength to fix your boyfriends messes. I dont get why you wont come if its such a big deal, Louis murmured under his breath, putting Vans to a plastic bag before throwing them to his suitcase. "Wow..". Imagine how he proposes. Few minutes later the front door opened with a loud bang, and Louis ran in, almost knocking few things over. Hi big guy, he whispered, kissing your bellybutton, making you smile in your sleep, Daddy has a plan for us. You felt how his hands rubbed the skin, drawing patterns to everywhere, admiring the six months forming bump. He had waited so long, and he was so happy. Enjoy this cringe worthy read through of some of the most ridiculous one direction imagines I could find! It was hard because of your pregnant belly and mostly because of the little baby inside that belly. Peeking out of the corner of my eye, his jaw was clenched, hands gripping the wheel tightly, and his hair was pushed back from him running his hand through it in frustration. All the boys start to clap as you pull away, but Harry pulls you closer, giving you another, more meaningful kiss. A/N: Hey guys this one made me cry so much. His eyes were fully closed, long eyelashes tangled to each other when they lied on his pale cheeks. "The boys." Fine, you yelled back, crossing your arms on your chest, tears rolling down your cheeks. xx, Zayn:You lied on the couch, feet propped up to Zayns lap when he rubbed them in comfortable silence. Im teachin him traditional Irish songs, he smirked, making his nose wrinkle. But you melt into the kiss, your hands grabbing the lapels of his jacket as his other arm drapes from the back of the seat to down around your shoulders. Pregnant? he asked, still a bit angry. I know the boys would never do this to anyone ever but you guys might have a favourite so i will write for all of them. Hi, Liams voice echoed through the house, making you jump on your feet, smile on your face. Forget about the interview. Our baby misses you as well, babe, you smiled, tears blurring your vision. What do you say, partner? Louis voice was so playful and mischievous it almost made you crack, but you kept your smile off and eyes close. "I love you too." You wanted to give in, few days ago you would already gave in to the angel next to you, but now it was different. His brown eyes locked on yours when he reached one last kiss on your waiting lips. Cmon princess, please, he begged, pouting his pink lip, kissing your neck trying to get his way in. Shes gonna be worth it, boo, I promise, he smiled, letting you run your hand over his black, thick hair. I know, you asked, hand stroking his strong jaw, and she knows that you shouldnt listen to those who bring you down, because no matter what happens, youll always have us. Tears glimmered in his brown eyes when he nodded slowly, exhaustion written over his face. "Um excuse me" you heard from behind you, and you broke your kiss. He pulls back to respond. Liam was kissing you, and the fossil meant nothing now. I cant wait to see ye and teach ye to play guitar and sing. The baby answered by hiccupping again, making Liam smirk happily before he laughed out loud, eyes glowing. Belly button kiss can't be executed while you and your partner are in a public place. He tilted his head a little more to the right to deepen the kiss. You followed him to Louis kitchen where they were eating breakfast. You blush and look down, and then he put his hand on your cheek and the other still around your waist, he pull you closer and kiss you harder this time. You stroked his scalp, smiling to the perfect sight. I have to go to work, you whispered, barely even making a sound. Thats insane Liam, of course she likes you, she loves you. You sighed knowing that he didnt get mad very often, but when he did, he got mad. ''Hi future daddy!'' You tangled your hands to his dirty blond hair when he pressed kisses to your belly, grin on his face. You and the other girlfriends are there to bid them farewell. This is quite exciting, he smirked when the kicking stopped for a while, making him wait a little,I could do this all day. His hands stroked the spot where his sons tiny feet kicked once again, making his grin grow wider, Hes gonna be a footballer, little Tommos gonna be a footballer, just like daddy., Harry:You giggled, nuzzling your head deeper to Harrys neck. Youre so moody all the time, he yelled, looking at you with his brown eyes what were full of irritation. His hair was a mess from last night and sleeping, brown roots showing already. Requests are always open! Deeply inhaling you let your eyes travel in the room around you. - He asks.-No But I wish I could - You said while he picks your guitar.-I can teach you babe. - He said and smile for you.-Really? Yere goin to be the coolest and most loved kid in the whole planet. His throaty giggles made your heart flutter when his big hand lay on your pregnant belly, making sure you were near him. Most music is crap. Both your parents had gone out for a romantic dinner and left you and Harry alone. You don't even know why you watch it, you and Zayn broke up after a big fight and now you haven't heard from him since that night. He was a light sleeper but he was hardly ever moving around anymore, because he was afraid hed hurt your baby belly. *** "Hey. Did ye like that, huh? Your heart is still broken and you want him back, you know that the only reason you're watching is just in case he would mention you . Uh uh, he groaned eyes still closed, pressing his lips to your hair, giving you a sloppy kiss to the top of your head. You're too sweet to be swearing. Upon feeling the buldge of your nearly five-month pregnant belly against his own stomach, he shouts, "Oh awesome! He was yours. It's an African American tale about a guy named Wiley who wants to go to this river to cut bamboo for a hen house His mother told him that this river has a Hairy Man who lives there and took Wiley's father and she advises him to take his hounds with him when he goes since the Hairy Man is afraid of dogs. 1D Imagines. Yeah, you got me pregnant Tomlinson,and Im not allowed to fly and I get sick all the time what is not working in a small bus with one toilet, you yelled, now bit softly, but tears still on your cheeks. Your small family was forming right in front of your eyes. - You smile - That sounds amazing! You said chucking at Liam who was starring at your belly. Thank you." When you pulled back, his face was concerned and his eyes automatically jumped down to your wrists. Your lips now found his neck and started kissing it aggressively. It wasnt something you didnt want to do, you just couldnt. You smile as you feel his warmth against you. He was yours, he was next to you. He takes off your jacket and you shirt then kisses your belly. "Fine". #1: Getting caught in the act (One Direction Preferences) Liam: It had been over 3 months since you've seen your boyfriend Liam so you were extremely excited about seeing him again. But I wanna go with ya princess, he whined like a small kid, making you bite your lip so you wouldnt yell him. He snorted, not saying any word, feeling that everything he did that night was wrong. My baby has a hiccup, Liam grinned, looking at you with a bit teary eyes, I love you Y/N, and our baby. You never wanted to forget the feeling of Liams gentle touch. The scene of him loving on the both of you in such a quite, soft way was totally and completely worth the warmth of his hands on your stomach. Get your lazy ass in your room and let me and Liam play some video games!" your brother ordered and flopped on the couch beside you, nudging your shoulder. Zayn:You woke up, quarter before your alarm clock was due to wake you up. "Breakfast Club" is always a classic. He loves the fact that you want to eat all the time because it gives him and excuse to get Nandos all the time. :) Rated: R. He was fuming. "Hiiiiiiiiii babeeeee" you said happily, skipping over to him and sitting down. And thyme brings all things to my mind, nlyme with all its flavours, along with all its joys, thyme, brings all things to my mind, His voice stopped suddenly, when you felt a sharp kick on your lower belly, making you jump. 3: He hurts you in front of your child. It is perfect. Filed under one direction one direction imagines one direction preferences one direction preffs 1d 1d imagines 1d preferences 1d preffs zayn malik zayn imagine zayn preference louis tomlinson louis imagine louis preference liam payne liam imagine liam preference harry . HI there well I made yall some one direction imagines hope you enjoy. We do, more than anything, you promised, snuggling closer to him, letting him sleep away his exhaustion, hand on your belly, making sure his girls were close. That was all he was, a friend of your brother. I miss you too kitten, he sighed lowly, making your heart break slowly. He tilted his head a little more to the right to deepen the kiss. "No!" I said laughing. Fine, he smirked, sitting next to you to the bed, kissing your cheek gently before wrapping his tattooed arms around you, nuzzling his head to your neck. Harry: "C'mere gorgeous." It had been a long week, making you both happy and exhausted at the same time. Nothing important, you smiled, placing your head on his chest, listening how the voice of his heartbeats joined to the rain outside. The way your lips move in perfect rhythm. You blush. :) 7.6.13 & 8.4.14=Best Nights of my Life. Was that you? Liam whispered to the baby, eyes wide and mouth hanging open when he held his hand on the spot where he felt the hiccup. He loves the fact that omegas are able to create and bring life to the world, even as fucked up as it is. Whats going on baby girl, tell me, he whispered to your hair after pulling you to his lap. "We shouldn't be doing this, Harry.". So much., Niall:You paced back and forth in the terminal, waiting boys flight to land so you could see Niall again. I cant believe youre really there, he whispered, lips touching the bare skin of your belly, My little girl I cant wait until I can hold you in my arms. Remember to like and subscribe and comment you're f. I knew it. "Kiss, kiss, kiss, kiss." Every dimple and spot he had was only making his face more perfect. You could hear his tears, what he tried so hard to muffle. Maybe next time, he smiled, but you could see how the tears burned his throat. He leans in for a kiss, but all of the boys are around, and you don't want to be awkward, so you put your finger over his mouth. One Direction - Kiss You (Official Video)Follow on Spotify - https://1D.lnk.to/SpotifyListen on Apple Music - https://1D.lnk.to/AppleMusicListen on Amazon Mu. . Well maybe I wasnt pregnant then, you screamed loudly, making your ears ring. No Niall, I told you already, you groaned, rolling your eyes to his whines, Go with lads or Sean or Darragh, theyll want to go. He groaned, running his hands through his dirty blond hair. He was home and finally next to you snoring lightly. You start a mini lap dance, which then leads to you grinding you hips into his, which then leads to a full-blown make out session. - He said and smile for you.-Really? I want you to come too, you sniffled, unable to keep your emotions away. (wink ;) wink). Yeah, here, you sniffled happily, guiding his hands to the spot where he could feel them. I swear to god, Louis Tomlinson, youll dry the sheets if you wet them, you said lazily, making Louis froze, before a huge grin appeared to his face, making you open your eyes. He pulls you close to his chest, and spoons you as the cheesy eighty's music starts to play. After about five minutes of fun, you swing back into your chair to face the boys. Niall:You stirred off your sleep, small sunlight making its way to your face. Not the Liam from One Direction, whose mark sometimes photoshopped off. You nod your head over your shoulder. Imagine you're dating one of the boys of 1D. You reached the club . 04) He gets teased about you best1dimagines harry styles harry styles imagine one direction one direction imagine 1d 1d imagine imagine up all night Harry Styles birthday imagine You and Harry have been dating for a year, and it's been the most amazing year of your life Jul 12, 2014 - I'm a Harry girl Harry's heart pounds in his chest as he. The baby kicked, you breathed out, looking at Harry whose green eyes were full of love. "(Y/N), It's you turn. . Oh, you breathed in the middle of the kiss, feeling how a small movement made you jump. Hes coming home, you whispered to your baby, hand brushing your, only a bit longer, flat belly. "I know you've worked really hard for this, but I'm going to miss you like mad." No, he whined, gliding his hands on your back, under your t-shirt, making you shiver under his sudden touch. Quilt filled you when you walked next to him, crawling next to him. You could feel the babys hiccup once again, making you smile. His large hands were on loose fists, when his red, puffed eyes were closed, dreaming about something easier. Hi love, what are you doing to him, hes kicking my kidneys out, you chuckled, making him giggle before kissing your lips gently. . You were the lucky one who picked him up from the airport last night. Like every morning, his cold hands found your belly. You kept your eyes close, feeling how he sat up, stretching his tattooed arms and rubbing the sleep away his blue, beautiful eyes. He looked so peaceful when he slept. [It would be hard for me to resist Harry too, no matter how wrong it may be.] Niall defends as he and the other four boys make their way into a sandwich shop for some lunch after playing an intense game of soccer all morning. The two of you made your way to your bedroom, careful not to break the kiss. He lifted his head, small smile on his face when he pulled himself up, facing you. You don't want to confess anything with Liam in the room, so you choose, "Dare." You smiled to your pillow, letting him know that you were awake, when he kissed your thighs, nuzzling his nose to your skin in each kiss. You reached to kiss his cheek dimple when he opened his green eyes, looking at you sleepily. You both like to keep it that way, so you have agreed to keep what you do in your spare time, your little secret. Harry smirks, "I dare you to kiss Niall." Simple, I love you. left your lips when he reached your ankles, kissing the raised ankle bones softly, like he was caressing the moment. "How are you, why are you here, is everything okay, I missed you loads!" I threw questions at him not giving him time to answer. A baby! I love you too my girl, he cooed, drawing a heart to your bare skin, kissing the middle of it, making the baby kick again. closes his eyes as he brings his lips to yours. Yeah, you answered, still pissed off to his behavior. So when he spots a pregnant omega in Avenus orium he has to get close to him. Boys had a small tour in Europe, just few weeks, but you didnt want to be left alone. You say as you both ran into the tent and sat there in silence until lightening struck. "I really love you Y/N." Harry said. He nodded, biting his lip before reaching down to kiss you few times before letting you sit up, so you both could start a new day together. This type of kiss would usually lead to a lot more, even if the initial stage is sweet and innocent. Hi guys welcome to our One Direction Imagine blog. Shes kicking, he smiled, tears dropping freely down his cheeks, I can feel her. You smiled, letting him sat up and plant a kiss to your wide belly. Me too, he said with husky morning voice, stretching himself, so you could lay curl against his torso. You backed off a bit, not knowing was he still angry, but a smile appeared to his face when he saw you lying next to him. When he pulls away, he gives you one more little kiss on the nose, reaches by you, and unlocks the door, and whispers in your ear, "I'll call you tomorrow." You had been sick lately, feeling awful and disguised, but Louis still thought it would be a good idea to put you in a small tour bus. I felt your kick! Is he still kicking? Here are some imagines for you with One Direction in it :D hope you like . "Wow." beauty and the beast live action. Holding your breath, you wait for him to go on, "We used to have a laugh all the time, and now she never wants to go out and she's all serious all the time,". #One Direction Imagines #One Direction Imagine #1D Imagines . I can get you any job you want. Daniel groaned and threw his head back, shaking it. I love you so damn much Y/N Horan, oh my god, #15 One Direction He finds out you are a Victoria's Secret Model, #16 One Direction (your child has a bad dream), #17 One Direction (how you fall asleep together), #19 He goes out with you for a bet and you find out (harry), #20 What he's like as a boyfriend (harry), #21 The victoria Secret angel rebound (Harry Imagine), #23 One of the boys sees you on your underwear, #24 One Direction ( best song ever fantasies), #25 One Direction (He has an argument with your kid), #30 One Direction ( your kid has a disability ), #32 One Direction ( He sees your baby bump after a long time), #34 One Direction ( your name your kid after something), One Direction ( one of the lad caught you having Sex ), One Direction ( you quote a book and he doesn't get it ), One Direction ( He's Having a dirty dream and you tease him ), One Direction ( he talks to the baby belly ), One Direction ( Someone's kid has a crush on you ), One Direction ( He feels the baby kick for the first time ), One Direction ( He's insecure about his size ), One Direction ( He's confused by your lady products ), One Direction ( He doesn't know you're pregnant and you fight ), One Direction ( you kid has a crush on someone older ), One Direction ( your kid uses a curse word ), One Direction ( your kid gets lost while grocery shopping with him ), One Direction ( Name for a "little him" * hint hint * ), One Direction ( you're pregnant and someone hurts you ( physically )), One Direction ( you see him naked for the first time ), One Direction ( his thoughts during sex ), One Direction ( everytime we touch i get this feeling), One Direction ( You'll never love yourself half as much as i love you ..), One direction ( Managment makes you choose between him and your baby ), One Direction ( How does he give a damn about me? He loved her so much already. His warm lips didnt make a noise in the room, where only sound was raindrops what spattered against the windows and roof. Belly Button Kiss. you said. He pulls up your t-shirt, tugging it so your gently . It has been fun, but extremely exhausting, so you are happy for the travel day. When he pulls away you see all of the boys staring at you, and you immediately feel awkward, but you know they understand. You could hear his teary chuckle when he thought the good news you had gave him just before he left. He kissed you back putting his hands on your waist pulling you closer to him deepening the kiss at the same time. He smiled, kissing away your happy tears, still hand on your belly, admiring it, I cant believe we finally did it babe, I cant believe it., Harry:You stared your steering wheel almost afraid to move. You bite your lip, sitting up on your bed when your bare feet hit the cold floor. "I love you too!". You raised your hand on his neck, touching gently the mark on his neck. "Here," He said, sitting down gently at the end of the bed, "let's put this on your belly." Our 5 favourite boys on how they love you and how much they love their children. he snapped, throwing a t-shirt to the laundry basket, eyeing you annoyed, Its my job and you quite ruin my enthusiasm right now. You rolled your eyes, leaning to the drawer, looking his half packed, half unload suitcase. "I'm going to be the best dad, you've ever seen in your whole life!" You flip the boys off over you shoulder, and reach up to peck Harry on the lips. I love you. Your parents are getting a divorce and they both don't . Jun 23, 2017 - Read How he kisses you from the story One Direction Preferences and Imagines by daniellealanah with 14,339 reads. I miss you too much when youre not in my arms., #15 One Direction He finds out you are a Victoria's Secret Model, #16 One Direction (your child has a bad dream), #17 One Direction (how you fall asleep together), #19 He goes out with you for a bet and you find out (harry), #20 What he's like as a boyfriend (harry), #21 The victoria Secret angel rebound (Harry Imagine), #23 One of the boys sees you on your underwear, #24 One Direction ( best song ever fantasies), #25 One Direction (He has an argument with your kid), #30 One Direction ( your kid has a disability ), #32 One Direction ( He sees your baby bump after a long time), #34 One Direction ( your name your kid after something), One Direction ( one of the lad caught you having Sex ), One Direction ( you quote a book and he doesn't get it ), One Direction ( He's Having a dirty dream and you tease him ), One Direction ( he talks to the baby belly ), One Direction ( Someone's kid has a crush on you ), One Direction ( He feels the baby kick for the first time ), One Direction ( He's insecure about his size ), One Direction ( He's confused by your lady products ), One Direction ( He doesn't know you're pregnant and you fight ), One Direction ( you kid has a crush on someone older ), One Direction ( your kid uses a curse word ), One Direction ( your kid gets lost while grocery shopping with him ), One Direction ( Name for a "little him" * hint hint * ), One Direction ( you're pregnant and someone hurts you ( physically )), One Direction ( you see him naked for the first time ), One Direction ( his thoughts during sex ), One Direction ( everytime we touch i get this feeling), One Direction ( You'll never love yourself half as much as i love you ..), One direction ( Managment makes you choose between him and your baby ), One Direction ( How does he give a damn about me? Masterlist. All with that one man you met years ago. I know Ive been ass but You interrupted him with a kiss, tears on your cheeks. Hiccupy, you answered quietly, making Liam smirk against your neck while his palm rested on your skin, making warm sensation washing over you. Slowly, careful not to scare him, you took your phone, dialing Lous number. iphone mail sortieren nach absender. He gripped my thighs and pulled me closer to him and slowly slipped his hands under my shirt, feeling the soft skin of my belly . You ran into his arms as he held you tight.
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